Rishikesh yoga alliance pay tribute to renowned Ashtanga teacher Sarath Jois in Rishikesh swargashram ghat

Rishikesh yoga alliance which is communitiy of 200 yoga schools of Rishikesh pay tribute to Sarat Jois , @saratjois
Sarath Jois was a renowned Ashtanga yoga teacher and the grandson of yoga legend Krishna Pattabhi Jois. He was known for his rigorous teaching style and his dedication to preserving the traditional teachings of Ashtanga yoga.
Unfortunately, Sarath Jois passed away on November 11, 2024, at the age of 53. He suffered a heart attack while hiking near the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, USA. His death was a significant loss to the global yoga community.
He has a strong connection to the Rishikesh yoga community and is often associated with the traditional teachings of Ashtanga yoga. Yoga schools pray for his soul . @rishikulyogshalarishikesh @atmayogashala , @omshantiomyoga , @nadayogaschool l , @ojhealings @vinyasayogashalarishikesh , @maharishi_yoga_peeth , @houseofyogi
School presents in Ganga arti .