Third day of Crazy Tourism and Development Fair, students of local schools participated enthusiastically in the chart competition, danced to the performances of Himachali folk singer Vicky Chauhan.

Students of local schools participated enthusiastically in the chart competition on the third day of the Crazy Tourism and Development Fair 2024 organized at Purnanand Sports Ground under the joint aegis of Municipal Council Munikireti-Dhalwala and Crazy Federation. In the afternoon, the poets’ Ashok Crazy ,Mahesh Chitkariya ,Prabodh Uniyal
Alam Musafir ,Mamta Joshi , Rashmi Panuli , Priyanka Bhatt presentations in the Kavi Sammelan poetry samminar rounded off the programme. Late in the evening, the audience danced enthusiastically to the performances of Himachali folk singer Vicky Chauhan. Today, the third day of Crazy Tourism and Development Fair 2024 was inaugurated by Cabinet Minister Subodh Uniyal, he said that fairs are very important for the preservation and promotion of our culture, which gives an opportunity to local talents to come forward. In the morning, students from local schools created beautiful paintings and took part in a chart competition. In the afternoon, a Kavi Sammelan program was organized by the Awaaz literary organization, in which the beautiful presentations of the poets enthralled the audience. Late in the evening, the performances of Himachali folk singer Vicky Chauhan added charm to the fair. People danced enthusiastically in the audience gallery on the songs Kinde Chale Banthano, Jhumke-Jhumke, LP Gaadi, Meri Balma Ajay ramola .