Today Ramkatha murari bapu says Ram take incarnation in human form

Whenever there is loss of religion, Ram takes incarnation in human form. Morari Bapu, the world famous Ram Katha narrator, a seeker of truth, love and compassion, while giving the taste of Ram Tatva on the fifth day, said that the reason for God’s incarnation in the Gita was told to remove the shame of religion and to establish religion, similarly Goswami Tulsidas has told in Ram Charit Manas that Lord Ram’s incarnation was told to remove the loss of religion and the pain of gentlemen, cows, sages and saints etc. Ramdev Baba, the main attraction of today’s story, listened to the Ram Katha. Bapu did Setubandh in white and ochre clothes and welcomed Ramdev, who wore white clothes and is a householder idol and wore ochre clothes of the Sannyas tradition. On this occasion, Ramdev described Bapu as the living embodiment of Sanatan Dharma. Ramdev said that some opposing forces are working to crush the Sanatani tradition of India. On the occasion, he said that there is no such power that can remove Section 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. He said that Section 370 will never be implemented now. Entering the story, Bapu said that everyone has the right to listen and tell the Ram Katha. Bapu said whether it is Shabari, Kalanemi, Ahalya, Mandodari, Gargi or Pingla of Tulsi period, everyone has equal right on Ram. While discussing the subject of Manas Brahma Vichar Katha, Bapu said that from the Sanatani view of Vishnu family, Brahma Vichar has three dimensions, first is only Brahma Vichar, second is Veda, based on various scriptures and third is to digest it with a calm mind in solitude. He entered the story by describing Mahatma as Brahma, Buddhatma as Parabrahma and Paratbrahma received by Ram, Krishna, Shiva. Bapu gave the nectar received from Vedanta Ratnakar to the listeners and said that Vedas are like a drinking water stall. While consuming the Shrutis, one should maintain solitude, digest it with a calm mind, this is the state of meditation. In the story, Bapu said that the yagya conducted by the sisters, taking the form of the seed of Ram Tatva at the place of penance of Dada Vishnu and the holy land of Rishikesh, has taken the form of Ram Katha for the benefit of the people. Bapu concluded the story today by extending hearty congratulations to everyone on the birth of Ram in the Ram Katha.