34 Exhibitors participate in International Yoga festival 2024 Parmarth ashram Rishikesh India .

36th International yoga festival where 75 countries 1400 participants , 25 Presenters share the yoga wisdom with this 34 exhibitors participate share there art works , Jwelery work , Handicraft , millets stall share millets pasta , Ayurveda , Astrology , Tarot , Fragrance , Yantra .
Divine Shakti Foundation , Tantra Art Gallery , Pashmina World , Chitshakti , Sneha Art , Prayas Foundation , SkidO2 , Khayal , Natural Fab , Friends of Meditation , Aum Rudraksha , Om Prakash Sons , Pooja Tarot , Veda 5 , Sri Sai handicraft , Mandakinimagic , Boheco Bombay Hemp Company , Proyog , Anaghaya ,
Incredible india , kosmoh , Honey Hut , Traditional art of india , The best Pashmina shop , Milleats health in every bite , Namaste Rishikesh , Astrologer Ritu , Fab india , Akiso Sattvik , Tavoy , White light element , Jugnu house , Jocab house Publication , Aiims Rishikesh
• Divine Shakti Foundation

• Tantra Art Gallery || Hitam life ||
Vivek & Acharya naresh
They brings yantra pictures , Stone arts , rajisthani arts stalls

• Pashmina World || Samast Fragrances
Nitish madaan
This year they brings paper machie handicrafts , pashmina , stalls ,kutri poncho , fragrance , stones .

• Chitshakti
Ashish Vyas
Chitshakti Trust is a not-for-profit entity, which is a well-established, respected and trusted name for Aroma, Yoga and spiritual products.
Our products – Ayurvedic Dhoop, Herbal Incenses, Pure Aroma Oils, Natural Aroma sprays, Meditation Asana, Shawls, beautiful Japa accessories crafted in exquisite Rudraksha beads & Semi-precious stones, carry the transformative energy that fills your life with lasting bliss and well-being.

• Sneha Art
She brings mandala , abstract , water colour , bookmark , stone works , hand made diaries , yoga paintings .

• Prayas Foundation hope heal homeopathy

• Skid O2 Yoga mat Bags
Kinjal & Senha Desai ( International Yogini Award )
This year Skid O2 brings , Yoga bags , Tshirts , Yoga belt , Yoga scarf . Eye pillows , Chakra flag , Thich Nhat Hanh buddhist calligraphy art Tshirt

• Khayal Ayurveda
Anil ragi
This year brings Khayal shilajit , hair oil , churna for digestion ,

• Natural fab cloths

• Friends of Meditation yoga Props
Alka sethiya
This year they bring flour sitting bench , yoga props , chair , yoga mats , yoga calender , yoga mat straps , eye mask in silk cotton , essential oil , harvard university book

• Aum Rudraksha Bali
Soma tendol
This year they brings Rudraksha mala , bracelet , rudrani , ear rings , parvati and shiva rudraksha

• Om Prakash & Son

• Veda 5

• Sri Sai Handicraft Traditional gujrati cloth
Kiran & Rajesh
This year They brings bags , bed covers , kurta its all in gujrati styles . Hand embroided patch work

• Mandakani Magic
Mandi singh
This year eco friendly cloth , upcycled silk saris , bags with eco prints , Rabbit hair angora shall , block print scraf .

• BOHECD Bombay Hemp Company || Proyog
Ankit & Alex
This year Boheco brings Hemp healthy proteins with omega 3 & 6 , and oils and creams for skin care muscle pain joints mobility and migranes, its a movement behind hemp usage for medicinal use in our daily life, Proyog yoga cloths .

• Anaghaya
Karam sehgal & Devil sehgal
This year they brings ayurvedic self care product , A2 ghee , herbal teas

• Incredible India || Ministry of Tourism || Ministry of Culture
Amit singh asistent manger Uttarakhand from ministry of tourism government of india .
This year amit ji give info about travel in Banars , Shimla , Pune , Gauhati , Ahmedabad , Hyderabad , Haridwar etc

• Kosmoh
Akshita , Devender, Rajendra
This year they brings
Their sustainable yoga products and men’s and women’s clothing. The best thing that they made a 100% organic yoga mat which is the best alternative of plastic yoga mats.

• Honeyhut
Deleep & Aditya sukla
This year honey hut brings honey , bee pollen , soaps ,lip balm ,cookies ,gift pack ,honey comb,honey stick

• Traditional Art of India
Binod kushwa
This year they bring Madhubani traditional.art , palm leaf art , Mandala

• The best pashmina shop
Sita sharma
This year they bring pashmina and organic cotton

• Milleats Health in every bite

• Namaste Rishikesh
Rohit Sharma
They brings pashmina products

• Astrologer Ritu Malhotra
Dr Ritu brings astrology , Tarot

• Fab india
Ayush singh & Prashant , Deepak
Chikankari kurta , floral prints , Indigo , hand blick prints , kutra short , kurta long , pyjama , stalls

• Akiso Sattvik
Ankit sachdev , Diya ghosh
They brings yoga wear , shawls block prints

• Tavay Casual zen
Jackets and trousers , bags

• Vikara
Mansi ranghar
They brings natural organic product , cotton handlooms , natural dye product , gharwali language fridge magnet

• White light Element
Kainaz postwala & poorvi
They bring awareness mindfulness products which teach gratitude , awareness , self interinsprction , Affirmation

• Jugnu House
Kajal agarwal
This year jugnu brings GITags product , block printing of bagru , bhujodi stalls from bhuj , Chanderi saris from chanderi MP , Bhagalpur lelin

• Joco house publication

• AIIMS Rishikesh || Ayush