
Kailash ashram rishikesh take Adiguru shakaracharya city yatra muni ki reti to triveninghat

 Kailash ashram rishikesh take Adiguru shakaracharya city yatra muni ki reti to triveninghat

Kailash ashram rishikesh take acharyabhagwapad jagadgurusri adyashankaracharya ji yatra which starts from kailash ashram muni ki reti to triveni ghat rishikesh in which locals residents of rishikesh participate swami ananturi lead the yatra share prashad in pubic where lord shiva doli idol and adigurusankarayacharya idol present in yatra .

Kailash ashram is one of the oldest ashram in rishikesh which establish in 1980 by swami dhanrajgiri . Earlier ashram only for sanyasi where sanyasi take eduction of veda , upnishad , gita , etc , kailash ashram have 12 branches in India 

Kailash ashram have its own publication house , cow shelter .times changes ashram allow family people to visits ashram temple share wisdom of vedic language …  These days bhagwatgita week is going on in kailash ashram where many sanyasi , family people visiting geting wisdom of gita ..

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